In the minmax algorithm,How to determine when your function reaches the end of the tree and break the recursive calls.
I have made a max function in which I am calling the min function. In the min function , what shud I do?? For max function, I am just returning the bestscore.
def maxAgent(gameState, depth):
if (gameState.isWin()):
return gameState.getScore()
actions = gameState.getLegalActions(0);
bestScore = -99999
bestAction = Directions.STOP
for action in actions:
if (action != Directions.STOP):
score = minAgent(gameState.generateSuccessor(0, action), depth, 1)
if (score > bestScore):
bestScore = score
bestAction = action
return bestScore
def minvalue(gameState,depth,agentIndex):
if (gameState.isLose()):
return gameState.getScore()
finalstage = False
number = gameState.getNumAgents()
if (agentIndex == number-1):
finalstage = True
bestScore = 9999
for action in gameState.getLegalActions(agentIndex):
if(action != Directions.STOP
I could not understand how to proceed now?I not allowed to set the limit of depth of tree. it has to be arbitrary.