I am writing an algorithm for finding longs path over several turnpoints given a list of coordinates (that describe a path). The dynamic programming algorithm works nicely in O(kn^2), where k is the number of turnpoints and n number of points. To cut the story short: the slowest part is distance computation between 2 coordinates; the algorithm requires this to be 'k'-times recomputed for the same pair of points. Memoization is not an option (too many points). It is possible to 'invert' the algorithm - but somehow the inverted algorithm is very slow in haskell and eats too much memory.
It seems to me that the problem is following; you are given an array of arrays of fixed size (plus some dynamically computed value - e.g. this would be the result of zipping the value with the list:
arr = [ (2, [10,5,12]), (1, [2,8, 20]), (4, [3, 2, 10]) ]
I am trying to find a maximum over the elements of the list plus the fixed value:
[12, 9, 21]
What I am doing - something like:
foldl' getbest (replicate 3 0) arr
getbest acc (fixval, item) = map comparator $ zip acc item
comparator orig new
| new + fixval > orig = new + fixval
| otherwise = orig
The problem is that a new 'acc' gets built with each call to 'getbest' - which is n^2 which is a lot. Allocation is expensive and this is probably the problem. Do you have any idea how to do such thing efficiently?
To make it clear: this is the actual code of the function:
dynamic2FreeFlight :: Int -> [ Coord ] -> [ Coord ]
dynamic2FreeFlight numpoints points = reverse $ (dsCoord bestPoint) : (snd $ (dsScore bestPoint) !! (numpoints - 2))
bestPoint :: DSPoint
bestPoint = maximumBy (\x y -> (getFinalPointScore x) `compare` (getFinalPointScore y)) compresult
getFinalPointScore :: DSPoint -> Double
getFinalPointScore sc = fst $ (dsScore sc) !! (numpoints - 2)
compresult :: [ DSPoint ]
compresult = foldl' onestep [] points
onestep :: [ DSPoint ] -> Coord -> [ DSPoint ]
onestep lst point = (DSPoint point (genmax lst)) : lst
genmax :: [ DSPoint ] -> [ (Double, [ Coord ]) ]
genmax lst = map (maximumBy comparator) $ transpose prepared
comparator a b = (fst a) `compare` (fst b)
distances :: [ Double ]
distances = map (distance point . dsCoord) lst
prepared :: [ [ (Double, [ Coord ]) ] ]
| length lst == 0 = [ replicate (numpoints - 1) (0, []) ]
| otherwise = map prepare $ zip distances lst
prepare :: (Double, DSPoint) -> [ (Double, [ Coord ]) ]
prepare (dist, item) = (dist, [dsCoord item]) : map addme (take (numpoints - 2) (dsScore item))
addme (score, coords) = (score + dist, dsCoord item : coords)