I need to collapse multiple ranges of sequential numbers (1 or more) to sets of their minimum and maximum values. I have unique integers (no duplicates) stored in a table column.
The obvious way (to me) to solve this problem is to use a cursor
(see my algorithm below) and iterate through every integer. However, it seems inefficient to me so I am wondering if there is a more efficient algorithm. Perhaps there is a way using common table expressions with recursion. I have more than 32767 integers though, so any solution will need to use option (MAXRECURSION 0)
which sets unlimited recursion.
Following is a simplified test case for my existing algorithm usign a cursor
. It will output the minimum and maximum for each range of sequential numbers (e.g. 1-3, 9-11, 13-13, 15-16).
I am using MS SQL Server 2008. Please note comments begin with two dashes (--).
declare @minInt int, @maxInt int
declare @nextInt int, @prevInt int
--need a temporary table to store the ranges that were found
declare @rangeTable table (minInt int, maxInt int)
declare mycursor cursor for
select * from
select 1 as id union
select 2 as id union
select 3 as id union
select 9 as id union
select 10 as id union
select 11 as id union
select 13 as id union
select 15 as id union
select 16 as id
) tblRanges
order by id--order is needed for this algorithm if used with generic data
open mycursor
--initialise new sequence
fetch next from mycursor into @minInt
select @maxInt = @minInt--set the min and max to the smallest value
select @prevInt = @minInt--store the last int
declare @sequenceFound int
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
select @sequenceFound=1--set the default flag value to true
--loop while sequence found
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 and @sequenceFound = 1
fetch next from mycursor into @nextInt
if @nextInt = (@prevInt + 1)
select @sequenceFound = 1
select @sequenceFound = 0
select @prevInt = @nextInt--store the current value as the previous value for the next comparison
if @sequenceFound = 1 --if the nextInt is part of a sequence, then store the new maxInt
and @maxInt < @nextInt--should always be true for ordered output containing no duplicates
select @maxInt = @nextInt
end--while sequenceFound
--store the sequence range and then check for more sequences
insert into @rangeTable (minInt,maxInt) values (@minInt,@maxInt)
--store the current value as the new minInt and maxInt for the next sequence iteration
select @minInt = @nextInt
select @maxInt = @nextInt
end--while more table rows found
select * from @rangeTable
close mycursor
deallocate mycursor