



Main question: Why aren't general or even specialized whole program optimizers part of our daily lives?

I started thinking about this after reading SuperCompilers, LLC's White paper, which discusses their method of "supercompiling" or metacompiling a program's source to (generally) achieve a faster version that does the same functionality as the original program. Essentially they step through a program's execution and recompile to the same target language. By doing this, natural optimizations occur; for instance, a general binary search function might be specialized to binary search an array of 100 items, if the input program uses arrays of 100 items frequently.

Partial Evaluation is a perhaps a more narrow type of whole program optimization, where the program's source is reduced/evaluated based on some fixed set of input while leaving unknown input open to be evaluated at runtime. For instance, a general function x ^ y, if given that y = 5, can be reduced to x ^ 5 or perhaps something like (x * x) * (x * x) * x.

(I apologize for my crude descriptions of these two techniques)

Historically whole program optimizations such as the two above would be too memory intensive to perform, but with our machines have gigs of memory (or using something like the cloud), why haven't we seen lots of open source partial evaluators and the like spring up? I have seen some, but I would have thought this would be a regular part of our tool chain.

  • Is it fear (programmer fearing the transformation of their code introducing bugs)?
  • Is it just not worth it (i.e. for web apps the bottleneck is I/O, and this kind of optimization seems to be saving CPU time)?
  • Is this kind of software just that difficult to write?
  • Or, is my perception of this just wrong?
+3  A: 

I think it's mostly that your perception is wrong. Most compilers support "whole program" (interprocedural) optimizations, and profile-guided optimization to guide the optimizer based on actual use.

The main reason most people haven't noticed is that in the end, these rarely make enough difference to really notice are care much about. General availability of such tools also happened around the time that they just didn't matter a lot for most purposes. CPUs are now so fast that nobody thinks twice about having code running on a java virtual machine, which is itself running inside something like a VMWare virtual machine (and it wouldn't even be particularly rare to have a third virtual machine layer).

That adds overhead that dwarfs the improvement you can typically expect from global optimization. For most people, speed differences have to be quite large to matter at all anymore (and improvements from global optimization rarely qualify).

Jerry Coffin
"it wouldn't even be particularly rare to have a third virtual machine layer" - e.g. if you wrote a TTF renderer in Java running on a virtual OS. Or a very likely example, stretching the definition of "VM" to include any interpreter, a Lua interpreter in a .NET game, running on a virtualized Windows.
Steve Jessop
@Steve: Yup -- or, (without stretching the definition of a VM at all), a Java program that requires a JVM old enough that you're running it in Windows 7's "XP mode", with Windows 7 itself running under VMWare...
Jerry Coffin
... on an XP box? ;-)
Steve Jessop