Hello, I wrote a code that utilizes the MFMAilComposibleViewController to harness in-app emails. I specified the delegate as so under, but my delegate method isn't getting called. This is the first time I'm getting this type of error; I normally develop under the iPhone but for a client I need to develop under an iPad.
MFMailComposeViewController *mailComposer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
[mailComposer setModalPresentationStyle: UIModalPresentationFormSheet];
[mailComposer setSubject: @"Hello World"];
[mailComposer setMailComposeDelegate: self];
[mailComposer setMessageBody: @"<font color='red'>Hello</font> <font color='blue'>World</font>" isHTML:YES];
[self presentModalViewController: mailComposer animated: YES];
This snippet is an exact copy-paste of the method that calls the mailview. Please note, I did specify in my header the MFMailViewControllerDelegate protocol.
Thank You!