I'm having a problems uploading images and keep getting the same error message.
I've googled the issues and have found some "fixes" but they don't seem to be doing anything.
I've tried adding a custom php.ini file Adding ini_set('memory_limit' ... in the file that throws the error
The site is being hosted by Netfirm (which has been painfully slow!) does any one know how I could go about fixing this error?
I still haven't had any luck getting this resolved. I've edited the wp-config, and php.ini file with not luck.
And every time I try to increase the memory but using the .htaccess file it shows this error.
Error in /mnt/w0239/d41/s37/b0325e92/www/DOMAINNAME/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Any thought on what might be causing the problem?