Sounds strange.
select case when "Moody's Corp, Lowe's Companies, Inc., L'Oreal SA" like '%;%' then 1 end
Sounds strange.
select case when "Moody's Corp, Lowe's Companies, Inc., L'Oreal SA" like '%;%' then 1 end
Are you getting confused between your fields?
You are searching where the comments equal LIKE %;%, and then you appear to be returning the result of the company name? Perhaps it is a comment, but it looks like it isn't. Perhaps your query should be:
select companyName from fields where companyName like '%;%'
select coment from fields where Comment like '%;%'
Also never use asterix, select the fields you want to return. This question is a good example of why you should do that! Make it easier to debug in these circumstances.
First things first, get rid of the text datatype. This has been deprecated and you need to replace all instances of this as soon as you can. Use nvarchar(max) or varchar(max) instead.
I get the correct results with your select statement and with Chryss's statement where she/he escapes the semicolon.
You say in one of the comments that this is a simplified version of your real query, perhaps you simplified the problem away?
I think its the problem within the interface I am using to query the database. This database is externally hosted so provider has given us the interface to access that data and it seems there is a problem in that interface.
Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions.