Is there a way to make a Flex 3 Datagrid show only the first node of an arrayCollection, instead of showing all of the arrayCollection's data?
myDGArray = [
{Name: "Judy", Talent: 'Pole-Dancing', Score: "40"},
{Name: "Jane", Talent: 'Yodelling', Score: "65"},
{Name: "Jim", Talent: 'Singing', Score: "82"}
myAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(myDGArray);
If I set the datagrid's dataProvider as myAC, then all of myAc's results will be listed in the dataGrid. How do I make it show only the first person's data, the not-so-hot Judy?
(The data in the myDGArray is actually from a database call. So, I'd like to return it all at once instead of making multiple server calls).
My goals is to have the datagrid load with the first person's data. And then have a comboBox control what data is shown in the dataGrid. So, if the user selects "Jim" in the comboBox, then Jim's data shows up in the dataGrid.
Any suggestions or advice?
Thank you.