



When a user presses the back key to my first activity, where I start an AsyncTask duringonCreate() that checks to see if buttons should be enabled based on whether or not websites are down. I use an HttpClient to contact to determine if the site is down. When users return to this Activity the phone becomes completely unresponsive. Users are having to remove the battery in order to continue. No APR window appears. I also have a AIDL-accesible service that is in charge of downloading things, that a certain Application binds with, and tells the Service to begin a download. I do not know how to best manage the service. I am simply offering possibilities for the application freezing, but I honestly have no idea why! I have already tried this: except that I haven't implemented handling timeouts yet.

One issue I seem to have is that after my AsyncTasks execute their onPostExecute methods, their threads just wait() and seem to not close. (They should end, right?)

I need serious help. If you look at the rest of my questions, many are related to this, but I have been unable to ask a comprehensive or poignant enough question in order to get an answer that can help me increase the performance of my application and remove the freezing issues.