I'm trying to update a date dimension table from the accounting years table of our ERP System. If I run the following Query:
SELECT fcname FYName
,min(fdstart) YearStart
,max(fdend) YearEnd
,max(fnnumber) PeriodCount
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule GLR
GROUP BY fcname
I get the following data:
FYName YearStart YearEnd PeriodCount
FY 2000 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2000 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2001 1/1/2001 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2001 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2002 1/1/2002 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2002 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2003 1/1/2003 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2003 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2004 1/1/2004 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2004 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2005 1/1/2005 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2005 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2006 1/1/2006 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2006 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2007 1/1/2007 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2007 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2008 1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2008 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2009 1/1/2009 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2009 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2010 1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2010 12:00:00 AM 12
In my case my company has 12 periods per year which roughly correspond to months. Basically, I am trying to create an update statement to set Fiscal Quarters which will follow this logic:
1. If PeriodCount is divisible by 4 then the number of periods in a quarter is PeriodCount/4.
2. If PeriodNumber is in the first quarter (in this case periods 1 through 3) then FiscalQuarter =1 and so on for quarters 2 through 4.
The problem is that I cannot be guaranteed that everyone uses 12 periods, some companies I support use a different number such as 10.
I started creating the following select statement:
DECLARE @QuarterSize INT
DECLARE @SemesterSize INT
CASE WHEN glr.PeriodCount % 4 = 0 THEN
-- Can Be divided into quarters. Quarter size is PeriodCount/4
set @quartersize = (GLR.PeriodCount/4)
FROM m2mdata01.dbo.AllDates TST
SELECT fcname FYName
,min(fdstart) YearStart
,MAX(fdend) YearEnd
,MAX(fnnumber) PeriodCount
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule GLR
GROUP BY fcname ) GLR
Can I set the value of a variable inside a case statement like this? What's the best way to accomplish this? Am I forced to use a cursor statement and check each date in my dimension against the range in the table above?