I'm using c++ OpenFrameworks and ofx3dModelLoader to load in 3ds models that I've already created. This is working great. However I would like to smoothly transition models visually as the enter the frustum's back plane. I have fog working but would really like to fade the models in from transparency. Is there any way to do this either through openframeworks or opengl?
You can change the alpha component of the texture applied to the objects. You might also search to see if there's a way to change the alpha component of a texture/object without redefining the entire texture.
2010-08-13 21:52:41
You could handle this in the fragment shader. Simply change the output of the alpha on the output colour to 0.0.
2010-08-13 22:40:47
I am not 100% sure how the 3ds loader works, but with most openframeworks drawing operations, you can alter the transparency of the drawing by setting ofSetColor();
In your case, you would set to (255, 255, 255, x) where x is the amount of transparency that you wanted to achieve.
2010-10-08 14:01:12