



Hi, I'm writing a horizontal tv-view, similar to the ones you know form tivo systems and similar. For each channel there is a row with the programmes for the next 6 hours or so, with a width proportional with their play time.

My Idea is to write a custom widget for each row, and stack these on top of each other. This should allow me to load the data incrementally, rather than using one big custom view. I will however still need forward/backward buttons in the top of the page, that updates all rows when clicked.

Now I'm unsure wether I should place these Views in a ListView or a LinearLayout.

I have collected the follwing pros and cons:

  • ListView
    • Pros
      • Memory efficient - Recycles hidden Views
      • Seams to be used by everyone, in the Android community, for anything.
      • It might be easier to make it lazy, when updating the rows, and thus require less cpu.
    • Cons
      • Overkill - I wont be using most of the features it has to offer
      • It may be slightly more difficult to attach the clickListeners.
  • LinearLayout
    • Pros
      • Simple to use. Does what you'd expect.
    • Cons
      • I haven't seen it used anywhere for long lists.
      • Perhaps it is slower?

The "Seams to be used by everyone" argument for ListView also contains the "Master" Twitter app, which Google uses to show off "Good Android design". They also don't seam to be using most of its features.

Do you have any experience with this kind of work? Are there any reccomandations I've missed when reading through the docs?


That schedule looks similar to the Google IO 2010 app. You can checkout their code and see how they have done it.

Thanks for the tip. A great app to learn from.However, the schedule view in the app is vertical rather than horizontal and build as one big custom layout. It also doesn't have to support a lot of entries. Thus it doesn't really help me with my overall decision problem.
Thomas Ahle

I ended up using a custom widget. I still don't know which of the mentioned is most effective though.

Thomas Ahle