Is there a (*nix) command-line script to format JSON in human-readable form?
Basically, I want it to transform the following:
{ foo: "lorem", bar: "ipsum" }
... into something like this:
foo: "lorem",
bar: "ipsum"
Is there a (*nix) command-line script to format JSON in human-readable form?
Basically, I want it to transform the following:
{ foo: "lorem", bar: "ipsum" }
... into something like this:
foo: "lorem",
bar: "ipsum"
There is TidyJSON it's C#, so maybe you can get it to compile with Mono, and working on *nix. No guarantees though, sorry.
$ echo '{ "foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum" }' \
> | python -c'import fileinput, json;
> print(json.dumps(json.loads("".join(fileinput.input())),
> sort_keys=True, indent=4))'
"bar": "ipsum",
"foo": "lorem"
NOTE: It is not the way to do it.
The same in Perl:
$ cat json.txt \
> | perl -0007 -MJSON -nE'say to_json(from_json($_, {allow_nonref=>1}),
> {pretty=>1})'
"bar" : "ipsum",
"foo" : "lorem"
Thanks to J.F. Sebastian's very helpful pointers, here's a slightly enhanced script I've come up with:
Convert JSON data to human-readable form.
Usage: inputFile [outputFile]
import sys
import simplejson as json
def main(args):
inputFile = open(args[1])
input = json.load(inputFile)
except IndexError:
return False
if len(args) < 3:
print json.dumps(input, sort_keys = False, indent = 4)
outputFile = open(args[2], "w")
json.dump(input, outputFile, sort_keys = False, indent = 4)
return True
def usage():
print __doc__
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(not main(sys.argv))
J.F. Sebastian's solutions didn't work for me in Ubuntu 8.04, here is a modified Perl version that works with the older 1.X JSON library:
perl -0007 -MJSON -ne 'print objToJson(jsonToObj($_, {allow_nonref=>1}), {pretty=>1}), "\n";'
On *nix, reading from stdin and writing to stdout works better:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert JSON data to human-readable form.
(Reads from stdin and writes to stdout)
import sys
import simplejson as json
print json.dumps(json.loads(, indent=4)
Put this in a file (I named mine "prettyJSON" after AnC's answer) in your PATH and chmod +x
it, and you're good to go.
Depending on the version of Python you have installed, you may need to replace "import simplejson as json" with "import json".
for the peeps looking for a quick online thingy:
Or, with Ruby:
echo '{ "foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum" }' | ruby -r json -e 'jj JSON.parse gets' has a nice validator/formatter if you not looking for a programmatic way of doing it.
With python you can just do
echo '{"foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum"}' | python -mjson.tool
The JSON Ruby Gem is bundled with a shell script to prettify JSON:
sudo gem install json
echo '{ "foo": "bar" }' | prettify_json.rb
with perl, use CPAN module JSON::XS.
it installs a command line tool "json_xs"
json_xs -t null < myfile.json
Prettify the JSON file src.json to dst.json.
< src.json json_xs > pretty.json
I use JSON.stringify to pretty-print JSON.
JSON.stringify({ foo: "lorem", bar: "ipsum" }, null, 4);
JSON.stringify({ foo: "lorem", bar: "ipsum" }, null, '\t');