



we want to use certificates on the iPhone to authenticate for MS Exchange Sync. We are not sure how the security concept is implemented to protect this certificates.

e.g. is it possible to get "full" Keychain access on the iPhone if no ScreenLock is enabled? (or with an Jailbroken iPhone).

Does anybody has some links about this?


I can answer part of your question, but since the other part is still unknown, I'm voting the question up as I'm also eager to know the answer.

The part that I can answer is: 'can an app get full keychain access if no screenlock is enabled'. No, every app has its own keychain area on the iphone, which means an app can only get access to its own secrets. These secrets are not locked for the app itself, so there's no way to hide the keychain entries from the app itself. So to summarize: an app can read its own entries, and no other entries.

What I'm interested to know though is what happens on jailbroken devices. Are the keychains of all apps exposed once a device has a jailbreak?

Ivo Jansch