Hi I'm trying to test my JAVA app on Solaris Sparc and I'm getting some weird behavior. I'm not looking for flame wars. I just curious to know what is is happening or what is wrong...
I'm running the same JAR on Intel and on the T1000 and while on the Windows machine I'm able to get 100% (Performance monitor) cpu utilisation on the Solaris machine I can only get 25% (prstat)
The application is a custom server app I wrote that uses netty as the network framework.
On the Windows machine I'm able to reach just above 200 requests/responses a second including full business logic and access to outside 3rd parties while on the Solaris machine I get about 150 requests/responses at only 25% CPU
One could only imagine how many more requests/responses I could get out of the Sparc if I can make it uses full power.
The servers are...
Windows 2003 SP2 x64bit, 8GB, 2.39Ghz Intel 4 core Solaris 10.5 64bit, 8GB, 1Ghz 6 core
Both using jdk 1.6u21 respectively.
Any ideas?