



Is there performance profiler for Windows Phone 7 (SL/XNA)? I just want to measure execution time of calling methods.

+2  A: 


You could use the Stopwatch class to measure the time it takes. You can also take a look at frame rate counters. A CLR Profiler is also available, but I'm not sure how well that integrates into the emulator directly. However, you could create Windows applications and test your methods there. That CLR Profiler is targetted towards .NET 2, so you will have to add an Environment Variable to allow it to work with .NET 4. (To see how to add Environment Variables, read this). The details to enter are from this thread:

Name: COMPLUS_ProfAPI_ProfilerCompatibilitySetting

Value: EnableV2Profiler

Your Win32 XNA app will be a 32-bit application, so make sure you

run the x86 version of CLRProfiler.

+2  A: 

There is now: EQATEC Profiler 3.5 works for Windows Phone 7 Silverlight apps. It can profile your app on both the real phone-device as well as on the emulator (see eg demo video). It's fully functional and free for single-assembly WP7 apps.

Edit: EQATEC Profiler 3.5.47 can profile WP7 XNA apps, too.

Richard Flamsholt