+2  A: 

The problem is that a pointer to an instance bound member function has to include the this pointer. OpenGL is a C API, and knows nothing about this pointers. You'll have to use a static member function (which doesn't require an instance, and thus no this), and set some static data members (to access the instance) in order to use glutDisplayFunc.

class myPixmap
  static myPixmap* currentInstance;

  static void drawCallback()

  void setupDrawCallback()
    currentInstance = this;

You may also have problems with C linkage vs C++ linkage, in which case you'll have to play around with extern "C". If so, you might have to use a global function, rather than a static member function as your callback, and have that call myPixmap::draw. Something like:

class myPixmap
  void draw();

  void setupDrawCallback();

myPixmap* g_CurrentInstance;

extern "C"
void drawCallback()

void myPixmap::setupDrawCallback();
  ::g_CurrentInstance = this;

With all of this, try to make as few changes as possible, since this is really kind of a kludge to deal w/ OpenGL being a C API.

If you want multiple instances (I don't think most people using GLUT make multiple instances, but maybe you are), you'll have to figure out a solution using a std::map to retrieve the instance:

static std::map<int, myPixmap> instanceMap;

Where you'd get the int to resolve which instance, I am not sure :)

FYI, you should define functions that take no parameters this way:

void some_function() { }


void some_function(void) { }
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
Thanks Merlyn; this is an excellent solution. I found that in my case, I had problems with C linkage vs C++ linkage, so I had to use a global function as shown in your second block of example code. Finally I was able to compile the program. I don't require multiple instances, so this is not an issue for me yet.
Nicholas Kinar