It is all of the sudden much slower then it was. Is there any way I could use some sort of tool that will tell me what part of my code is making my page slow?
It is all of the sudden much slower then it was. Is there any way I could use some sort of tool that will tell me what part of my code is making my page slow?
Along with Firebug
yslow is a great resource to find what is taking long.
You can view in Firebug which scripts load faster and which slower. If you want to know which is the best way to write your scripts in order for them to perform the best, I don't think there's any tool for this.
If you are brave enough, then have a look at Firebug Profiler output. You can learn a little bit more:
If you're bound to using IE, there's also a tool called sIEVE that can help you locate memory leaks in Internet Exploder... I mean Internet Explorer.
It helps you locate bad JS closures and also gives you a readout of what methods/functions are consuming the most threads. I use this tool in conjunction when testing pages in IE.