




I have heard it is good practice to use some kind of document management system to keep track of different versions of your code/documents for school/work etc. I am still a student so my repository would just be local to my machine. I'm looking for some advice to get started/get in the habit of doing so. Im using OSX. What is the best/easiest client to use for my purposes? I've used SVN+tortise at work for years and it works great.



If you are ready to learn something new, I would recommend you to learn git. Find the right local GUI for you and go ahead with local repositories. You have here a list of good git GUI for OSX.

Later on, but not really needed, it will be easy for you to share your data between all your computers with a project management system like Indefero or the many available.

Loïc d'Anterroches

If you are comfortable with Subversion, I suggest you keep using it. Don't use CVS; I believe it's obsolete. If you are just working by yourself, centralized version control is a better model than distributed version control. I suggest you read more general materials on version control which can usually be found in the first chapter of the guides to different version control systems. These will give you lots of different perspectives. You can read about my own personal debates at my blog.

Joel J. Adamson
If you're working by yourself, i can see no reason what so ever that centralised would be beneficial over distributed. In fact, it would be far, far easier for them to use git or mercurial over svn in this instance.
@devians: Have you ever tried TortoiseSVN? Creating a local repository is as easy as right-clicking in explorer and clicking "create repository." It doesn't get much easier than that.
@George: I would argue that while its possible to do that, its not exactly advisable when you need to push that repo's data elsewhere. If you have the choice between svn and git, and they're parity for features you need, then go for git for greater future flexibilty. There's certainly no disadvantage for using git over svn.
If you're working by yourself on one machine, then a DVCS makes perfect sense. However, I've found that a centralized makes the most sense, as I'm always going to update the repository on my workplace computer. Decentralized doesn't make sense to me in that setting. It just makes pushing changes an extra step.
Joel J. Adamson

I would highly recommend that you learn to use Git. You can create a repository anywhere on your computer and start committing, and if you want to share that information later, its as easy as pushing.

The best git client I've seen for osx is Gitti, but it is in private beta.

"Pushing" to where?
well, anywhere really. Your friends git repository, github, anywhere. Because git is distributed, sharing the repository around and collating versions is much much easier.

I used bazaar (bzr) for my dissertation as a student as it seemed like the easiest thing to use locally at the time and I fancied trying something other than SVN. Nowadays I would probably use git.

It's definitely a good idea to use it for coursework and after the first time you have to rescue something with it I doubt that you'll ever go back.

I tend to use the command line clients for version control systems as this gives me the best understanding of the system and a greater feel of control (this may or may not be imagined given the quality of tools like Tortoise these days). If you're at all used to using command line tools such as grep, awk and sed then the command line tools get very powerful.
