



Is there any possibility of Linux to turn into Paid OS, after it reaches most of the people in the world. How much of the probability are there. Experts, please lightup my mind.

+2  A: 
Thanks for answering. Those who voted for closing are waste fellows!!!!!
What about Red Hat restricting the use of its OS by use of trademarks?
Andrew Grimm
Please reopen this question as i need multiple comments
@Peter Rowell Googling can give simply one view!. But this site provides both postive and negative views and thats the speciality of the site. If you dont want to answer these type of questions, please stay away!!!!!
@Peter: If you did any research at all before making your comment, you would have come across [How to deal with Google questions?]( Googleable questions are allowed and [encouraged]( on Stack Overflow.
Andrew Grimm
Trademarks don't restrict code reuse. CentOS can repackage RedHat, as long as they don't actually call it RedHat. The trademark for Linux itself is owned by Linus and managed by, whose terms are very generous.
Peter Rowell
@Peter: If you strongly feel that way, suggest on Meta Stack Overflow that we should change our approach to non-googlers.
Andrew Grimm
@Andrew: An excellent suggestion.
Peter Rowell