You can join a normal table with a memory table that is filled with the list of values.
I don't how to do that with Java exactly but I do know how to do this with C#. I think something similar should be possible with Java.
Read here:
Let's use a collection of User Defined Types (UDT's).
First create a table with 1 million rows:
create table employees (id number(10) not null primary key, name varchar2(100) );
insert into employees
select level l, 'MyName'||to_char(level)
from dual connect by level <= 1e6;
1000000 rows created
exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(USER, cascade=>TRUE);
No we turn to the C# code:
Let's select employees with id's 3 and 4.
Collection type MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY is used because if we use this already predefined Oracle type we don't have to define our own Oracle type. You can fill collection MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY with max 1048576 numbers.
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
public class NumberArrayFactory : IOracleArrayTypeFactory
public Array CreateArray(int numElems)
return new Decimal[numElems];
public Array CreateStatusArray(int numElems)
return null;
private void Test()
OracleConnectionStringBuilder b = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder();
b.UserID = "sna";
b.Password = "sna";
b.DataSource = "ora11";
using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(b.ToString()))
using (OracleCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand())
comm.CommandText =
@" select /*+ cardinality(tab 10) */ * " +
@" from employees, table(:1) tab " +
@" where = tab.column_value";
OracleParameter p = new OracleParameter();
p.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Array;
p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
p.Value = new Decimal[] { 3, 4 };
int numPersons = 0;
using (OracleDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
MessageBox.Show("Name " + reader[1].ToString());
The index on isn't used when one omits hint /*+ cardinality(tab 10) */. This index is created by Oracle because id is the primary key column.
This means that you don't have to fill a temporary table. The list of vaues stays in ram and you join your table employees with this list of values in memory table(:1) tab.