




I'm taking a university course to learn digital design using VHDL, and was doing some reading in the book the other day where I came across the following piece of code:

architecture abstract of computer_system is

    cpu : process is
        variable instr_reg : word;
        variable PC : natural;
            address <= PC;
            mem_read <= '1';
            wait until mem_ready;
        end loop;
    end process cpu;
end architecture abstract;

Now, as I've understood it, once a process reaches its last statement, it will go back and execute the first statement (provided that the last statement wasn't a wait, of course). And the purpose of loop ... end loop; is to repeat the intermediate code indefinitely. So doesn't that make the loop redundant in this case? Does it add any extra behaviour that isn't already exhibited by the process?

+1  A: 

You're spot on as far as I can see, no need to have a loop in there.

Martin Thompson
As there has been no more entries, I'm assuming this to be an acceptable answer.