



I have a webview that displays an image, as shown in the code below. The bundle also has a [email protected] with dimensions of 128x128 for use on the iPhone4. The [email protected] never shows. Is there a way to display either/or depending on whether it's an iPhone or an iPhone4?

<img src="DGT64.png" width="64" height="64" align="left" style="padding:2px;"/>
+1  A: 

I don't think the @2x trick works with web content. Sounds really useful though, I would certainly file a bug with Apple to request that.

If you are generating the above HTML from your app then I think the best way for now will be to detect if you are running on a Retina display device and then adjusting the image name manually.

You can detect the Retina display by doing something like this:

if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)]) {
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2) {
        // Use high resolution images

(Took that code from an answer I found here in SO)

Thanks. I'm not generating the HTML from the app but I can probably have 2 different pathForResource files and based on the above test use the appropriate one. I'll give it a try.
Matt Winters
Unlikely to happen without a (non-standard) META tag or similar — it's not a good idea to double the number of requests you're hitting a server with just to get some prettier images, especially since the majority of websites (i.e. Desktop sites) will render at 1/2 or 1/3 scale anyway.
Not done yet, but this is the approach I'm taking. I may not have understood what was meant by "if you are generating the...HTML from your app" and I therefore may have misled tc. The HTML resides in my bundle. It's fixed; used for the app to display formatted text in a UIWebview. No servers involved. I am not generating the HTML on the fly, so I can't substitute a different image name and dimensions, but it's easy enough to have a second HTML file with high resolution image references and dimensions for the iPhone4 and use the suggested code above to decide which pathForResource to use.
Matt Winters

Currently the best way to do this is by referencing your images in your CSS file using the background-image property. Then, you can use a special CSS file that is only loaded by devices with high resolution screens to override these properties.

See this blog post for more information.

Sebastian Celis

The way to do it is with CSS backgrounds. Just embedd all your 2x stuff in a subsection in CSS. The key is also to set the -webkit-background-size. Here is an example of the portion of the css (both retina and not) for a div with the id Ampersand that acts as an image.

div#Ampersand {
  background: url('AmpersandBurned.png');
  -webkit-background-size: 43px 97px;

@media screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
  div#Ampersand {
    background: url('[email protected]');