
Microsecond accurate (or better) process timing in Linux

I need a very accurate way to time parts of my program. I could use the regular high-resolution clock for this, but that will return wallclock time, which is not what I need: I needthe time spent running only my process. I distinctly remember seeing a Linux kernel patch that would allow me to time my processes to nanosecond accuracy, ex...

High Resolution Timing Part of Your Code

Dear all, I want to measure the speed of a function within a loop. But why my way of doing it always print "0" instead of high-res timing with 9 digits decimal precision (i.e. in nano/micro seconds)? What's the correct way to do it? #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <time.h> int main() { for (int i = 0; i <100; i++) {...

Windows Mobile Hi-Res Designer in Visual Studio

Is it possible to do Windows Mobile development in Visual Studio (2008), where the Windows Mobile Forms designer appears in "hi-res" (VGA/>96 DPI), rather than the default lo-res view? I'm using Resco controls, which have some built-in support for hi-res, but it's a little bit slow to develop any significant forms, because you don't kno...

How can I get the high-res mtime for a symbolic link in Perl?

I want to reproduce the output of ls --full-time from a Perl script to avoid the overhead of calling ls several thousand times. I was hoping to use the stat function and grab all the information from there. However, the timestamp in the ls output uses the high-resolution clock so it includes the number of nanoseconds as well (according...

How use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect for iPhone 4 (HD)?

I use the following code to getting images from the sprite. And it works fine everywhere except the iPhone 4 (HD version). - (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)rect { CGImageRef image = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([self CGImage], rect); UIImage *result = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image]; CGImageRelease(image); return resul...

Update UIView to ScaleFactor 2.0 for the iPhone4

I have a program running beautifully on my iPhone 4. It uses a class UIView I created (called TestView) to draw graphics using Quartz (very simply graphics such as just a few CG lines and circles). I need, however, to take advantage of the new higher resolution screen on the iPhone 4. Currently, the ensure backwards compatibility with iP...

High-resolution timer for iPhone?

I'm looking for high-resolution timing code for iPhone, in order to do some performance timings. I'd like to write code like this: HighResolutionTimer* myTimer = [[HighResolutionTimer alloc]init]; [myTimer start]; [self doSomeLengthyOperation]; NSLog( @"doSomeLengthyOperation took %f seconds", [myTimer elapsedTime] ); ...

High Resolution images in a uiwebview

I have a webview that displays an image, as shown in the code below. The bundle also has a [email protected] with dimensions of 128x128 for use on the iPhone4. The [email protected] never shows. Is there a way to display either/or depending on whether it's an iPhone or an iPhone4? <img src="DGT64.png" width="64" height="64" align="left" style=...

UIScreen scale factor is 1.0 in iPhone Simulator 4.0.2 ?

Am I missing something about the @2x graphics on the iPhone 4? I'm running the 4.0.2 SDK in the iPhone Simulator, but UIScreen has a scale of 1.0, isn't it supposed to be 2.0 and load high res images automatically? here's what's I'm testing: NSLog(@"system version: %@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]); NSLog(@"scale factor...

How to get [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:] and High Res Images working

As many people are complaining it seems that in the Apple SDK for the Retina Display there's a bug and imageWithContentsOfFile actually does not automatically load the 2x images. I've stumbled into a nice post how to make a function which detects UIScreen scale factor and properly loads low or high res images ( http://atastypixel.com/bl...

How to activate @2x high res graphics for retina display?

I have an old app and created @2x high res images for it. Now I've incorporated all these into my project, but when I build and run the app on the retina display test device I do not see the high res images. To be sure, I made some of them with strange colors so I know exactly if @2x is used or not. I also tried to clean my build and al...

Methods to render a PDF into a very high resolution NSImage bitmap file

Hi, I have to render a PDF into a very high resolution image (say up to and even over 100,000 * 80,000 pixels). I managed to do that without going out of ram by splitting the render into several slices and then rendering each one using NSOperationQueue, basically drawing the NSImage pdf representation into a new NSImage using drawInRect...