



Convert ipad application to iphone. Universal app.

means i have already one ipad application. now i want make universal app of that ipad application.

how to convert?

+2  A: 

Open up your project in Interface Builder. Click on the disclosure triangle next to "Targets", then right-click on the target and choose "Upgrade Current Target for iPad...".

Then read the iPad Programming Guide, especially the section Starting Your Project.


I see now -- iPad to iPad/iPhone.

I think you would do something like the following:

  1. Create a .xib for the iPhone for the Main Window/App Delegate/etc, to corresspond your existing .xib for iPad.
  2. Add an entry in your info plist: NSMainNibFile, with the value of the name of your new iPhone xib
  3. Go to your build settings and set the Base SDK to 4.1 (or 4.0 if you still have the older SDK installed)
  4. Keep your iOS Deployment Target build setting at 3.2 if you're only worried about iPhones and iPod Touches with 4.x.
  5. Set the Targeted Device Family build setting to iPhone/iPad
  6. Start refactoring your code to create two different code paths, one for iPhone and one for iPad, where appropriate.
Shaggy Frog
It is about iPad to iPhone, not iPhone to iPad...
Georg Fritzsche
Actually, it's about iPad to iPad/iPhone. But I misread it, too; I just saw the Universal App bit.
Shaggy Frog
Ah, right. Please consider voting to close as duplicate too and if it gets closed flag for moderator attention to merge this answer into the duplicate (sadly there are currently just link-only answers).
Georg Fritzsche
Thnx a lot Shaggy Frog........