i got a problem and i don't know how to solve it. this is what i try to do: the user picks an image from his album on his iphone. while the image will be saved in the application folder, a actionsheet should popup with an activity indicator on it till the saving process is done. below you can see how i tried to do it, but i think there my code causes a memory problem (EXC_BAD_ACCESS), but i can't fix it.
when i debug, i found out, that both methods which are listed below will be called in a loop, that's what confuses me the most.
thanks in advance for your help.
- (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
UIImage* img = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
img = [self rotateImage:img byOrientationFlag:img.imageOrientation];
NSMutableArray *args = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
activityLoadImage = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(-17.5, -11, 35, 35)];
activityLoadImage.activityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge;
activityLoadImage.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin |
actionSheetLoadImage = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@""
actionSheetLoadImage.actionSheetStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
[actionSheetLoadImage setMessage:NSLocalizedString(@"_LoadImage", @"loading image")];
[actionSheetLoadImage addSubview:activityLoadImage];
[actionSheetLoadImage showInView:self.view];
[actionSheetLoadImage setBounds:CGRectMake(0,-105,320,720)];
[args insertObject:picker atIndex:0];
[args insertObject:img atIndex:1];
[args insertObject:[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] atIndex:2];
[activityLoadImage performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(startAnimating) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
[self performSelector:@selector(saveImage:) withObject:args afterDelay:0.1];
[args release];
- (void)saveImage:(NSMutableArray *)arguments
UIImagePickerController *picker = [[arguments objectAtIndex:0] retain];
UIImage *img = [[arguments objectAtIndex:1] retain];
UIImage *orgImg = [[arguments objectAtIndex:2] retain];
// writes the image to specific location with the given file name
NSData *imageData = [self getImageData:img];
[imageData writeToFile:[self getImagePath] atomically:YES];
// writes the small image to specific location with the given file name
imageData = [self getSmallImageData:img];
[imageData writeToFile:[self getSmallImagePath] atomically:YES];
// sets UIImage for the UIImageView
[self setViewInfo];
lblNoImage.hidden = TRUE;
[[picker parentViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[self.tableView reloadData];
[activityLoadImage performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(stopAnimating) withObject:nil wait UntilDone:NO];
[actionSheetLoadImage dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:0 animated:YES];
[activityLoadImage release];
[actionSheetLoadImage release];