I have a simulation that has a huge aggregate and combine step right in the middle. I prototyped this process using plyr's ddply() function which works great for a huge percentage of my needs. But I need this aggregation step to be faster since I have to run 10K simulations. I'm already scaling the simulations in parallel but if this one step were faster I could greatly decrease the number of nodes I need.
Here's a reasonable simplification of what I am trying to do:
# Set up some example data
year <- sample(1970:2008, 1e6, rep=T)
state <- sample(1:50, 1e6, rep=T)
group1 <- sample(1:6, 1e6, rep=T)
group2 <- sample(1:3, 1e6, rep=T)
myFact <- rnorm(100, 15, 1e6)
weights <- rnorm(1e6)
myDF <- data.frame(year, state, group1, group2, myFact, weights)
# this is the step I want to make faster
system.time(aggregateDF <- ddply(myDF, c("year", "state", "group1", "group2"),
function(df) wtd.mean(df$myFact, weights=df$weights)
All tips or suggestions are appreciated!