




I don't understand git. I have no experience with command line stuff. I've spent a week trying to figure it out and it's stressing me out big time and holding us back. I'm simply building out the front end HTML and CSS. Do I have to use git? Seems like everyone is these days but I just don't "get" it at all.

We used to use SVN and tortoise SVN where I work. That was easy to understand. Are there any hosted SVN solutions that don't cost a fortune?

What about any good SVN clients for macOS? That's what I'm currently on.

I'm working on one website project with two other guys. Only one of which has ever used git. So myself and the other guy are trying to learn it. But it's not going so well.


unfuddle.com will do svn (or git) hosting, starting from free.

+4  A: 
Thank you so much for those links. I've downloaded and installed versions and it seems great. Even let me set up a svn repository at beanstalkapp.com which is an incredibly easy to use website.
Thank you so much for those links. I installed versions and it seems pretty straight forward. Even let me set up a repository on beanstalkapp.com which is a very easy to use website compared to github which is mindblowingly confusing to me.
+1  A: 

For a mac SVN client: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/899/best-subversion-client-for-mac-os

For learning about GIT: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html And really, you do need to actively read it (don't skip over anything you don't understand, and try out the different commands in the manual as you read it)

For SVN Hosting... perhaps http://www.svnhostingcomparison.com/ will tell you what you're looking for


Maybe this will help. Its an interface to using git.


+2  A: 

I used to be the same and now i am a Feng Shii Accredited Git Master, ok i made that last bit up.

See here for Mac Gui frontends I use Gitx on the mac ok

And you can get the free book here

+4  A: 

Tortoise GIT? Since you already like Tortoise?

Doesn't run on Mac OS X.
+1  A: 

A successful Git branching model gives a good top level view on using git.


I'm an old command-line user from way back, and even I don't use Git from the command line if I can help it. Git Gui just give you so much better of a visualization of what is going on.

So why aren't you using git gui? I belive it comes with every git distribution.
