you do not specify what language your application is written in, so I need to assume, like everyone else :)
First answer
AnkhSVN is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010
they use SubversionSharp (or SVNSharp or even SVN#) to do everything, so I would mention that SVN# is a good idea to use if you're in a .NET environment ...
you would probably think, after a while the same as Paul did
More answers
What are you really trying to accomplish? install a SVN Server as well? Well, you should not do that unless you specify it, just like BillThor suggests.
Companies use them already, problem you will end up is that, the 3 most common Versioning products are SVN, Git and Mercurial and ... do you really want to code for all of them?
Wouldn't be easier to create a S3 account and maintain the files there for versioning and you app uploads new versions while a simple webpage can access them to view?
just throughout some ideas as problems you could face.