The height of an iPhone is 115.2mm.
Place the iPhone horizontally on the waist in question so that one end lines up with the belly button.
Mark the position of the other end with your finger and then move the iphone horizontally so that the first end now lines up with your finger.
Repeat until the iPhone has circumnavigated the waist.
Multiply the number of times you moved the iPhone by 115.2mm to get the waist measurement with a possible maximum error of 115.2mm
Edit in response to comment:
-(double) measureWaist: (Waist*) waistToBeMeasured iPhone: (IPhone*) iPhone
Finger* finger = [[Finger alloc] init];
[iphone setOrientation: horizontal];
[iphone placeOnWaist: waistToBeMeasured alignBottomWith: [waistToBeMeasured bellyButton]];
size_t i = 0;
while (![iPhone overlaps: [waistToBeMeasured bellyButton]])
[finger placeOnWaist: waistToBeMeasured alignLeftEdgeWith: [iPhone topEdge]];
[iphone placeOnWaist: waistToBeMeasured alignBottomWith: [finger leftEdge]];
[finger release];
return [iPhone height] * i;