Having a Macbook Pro with windows installed thanks to bootcamp, I have several questions:
Under windows, I see that processes only use 50% maximum of the CPU charge, is that because the processor is a dual core and because the process is not multi-threaded ? Should I install windows xp version 64 bits instead, to have better performance ?
Are all dual core processors 64 bits ? How can I check it with C or C++ to be sure that the native is 64 bits and not 32 bits ? I tried to print:
it says 8, so it would mean 64 bits, but I'm not sure...
Does dual core explicitey means that if it has 2 32 bits cores, the processor itself supports 64bits instructions ? Is this the x86_64 architecture ?
Is is delicate to emulate PS2 games because the original game has 128 bits instructions ?
Why are long double 128 bits while
sizeof(long long); sizeof(long);
both output the same thing ?