Hi all.
I got a problem of selecting triangles in a model with a particular way.
The problem is simple enough :
User have a model (made from triangles) , on that model define some margine line (cutting line if you wish), and after based on array of the verticies of the margin line I would like to select one part of the model or another part of the same model.
Here is the picture.
The cutting line makes a circle arround a model and I would like to select a model, let's say in area (1) based on verticies of the cutting line. I have information about relationship always any object on the scene (vertex vs Triangle, triangle vs lines, vertex vs lines and so on)
P.S. If we assume that, for example Y axis is always in one direction, let's say to down, and want to select only neighbour triangles for every vertex that have their vertex Y coordinate major, it will not work, as, if you look at the image, the triangle in the (2) selection it's a neigbour triangle of a vertex from cutting line, and it's vertex Y coordinate sutisfies condition, but this is not a riangle that I would like to select.
Any ideas on subject ?