



Yii Doc:
Modules can be nested in unlimited levels. That is, a module can contain another module which can contain yet another module. We call the former parent module while the latter child module. Child modules must be declared in the modules property of their parent module, like we declare modules in the application configuration shown as above.

I try to create myltilingual application using Yii::t() function:

Yii Doc:
And when using Yii::t() to translate an extension message, the following format should be used, instead: Yii::t('Xyz.categoryName', 'message to be translated')

I translate modules messages with Yii::t('MyModule.source', 'Test'); it works for modules.
But not works for submodules Yii::t('MyModule.SubModule.source', 'Test');
The question is:
How to define source path for SubModule in Module when messages stored in: