



I have start a project to redefine keyboard layout for coders.under GPLv3

The most popular layout is qwerty, then dvorak, then colemak. but qwerty and dvorak is design for typewriter, and colemak is design for easy to learn. but this layout is design for coders.

5~  3!  1@  0$  29  48  67  #`  *^  y   w    x   q
Tab  (\  c   d   .<  ,>  k   =+  u   l   )|  -&   _%  z
Esc   s   e   r   a   g   h   t   i   o   n   "'
Shift  ;:  {[  }]  p   j   f   m   b  v   /?

the full layout with altgr support, I think these unicode should be enhaced.

5~  3!¾³  1@¹  0$£¥  29½² 48¼  67  #`  *^×  y   w   x   q
Tab   (\  cC©   d   .<«  ,>»  k   =+±  uUµ   l   )|¶  -&  _%  z
Esc    sS§  e   rR®   aAæª  g   h   t   i   o   n   "'°
Shift    ;:·  {[¬  }]  p   j   f   m   bBß  v   /?÷

this layout is just start, so I need suggestions and users and feedbacks. Before this let me descript why this layout.

  1. letter frequency. base on statistic, not experience.
  2. sequence. use 2 neighbour finger of one hand.
  3. less wrist movement. W E I O position on qwerty is better then G H, every postion has been scored and then put the key on the right position.
  4. shift position. " is better than ', some languages can use either ' or ", some language use " strict. { } is use frequently than [ ], so I move { } " down and [ ] ' at shift position. ; : is both offen, so I put it near the shift like dvorak. - _ is also very offen, I seprate them to base position.
  5. number frequency. 0 is most frequently, so I put it at the postion of 3, 9 8 7 is use rarely, I put them at shift position. so we can get more position for symbols.
  6. y w x q z. these key use rarely, and not like symbols need press shift offen. you know the feeling when you type |.
  7. hjkl offen map to left down up right, but the position at qwerty is not match their low frequency. so j,k is at b and y position, which is down and up relative. but not a position easy to press.
  8. caps_lock, is rarely use, many people replace it with escape.
  9. map right alt as altgr.

the project location is at

to use it, make sure you are now using qwerty layout, then:

hg clone https://[email protected]/guilin/glhk
cd glhk
xmodmap xmodmap/glhk_xmodmap

there is also a python script to generate xmodmap, you can take a look at xmodmap/glhk_xmodmap.txt

So, that's all, any suggestion is welcome.

please just post suggestion or problem in answer.

to prove it's necessary to evolve the keyboard layout, please check this like of character statistic base on java/python/c/php/js/ruby code. the code is jdk code, python site packages, wordpress, ruby , rails ... they all has comment, not only code, actually it rate up the letters compare to our daily work.