



I have installed msysgit, and I am attempting to use it inside of Hudson. Whenever I run a command in an interactive shell, whether it be git-bash or a command prompt, the commands are instant. When I run them in Hudson, they lag for a very long time.

Running /bin/git help took 63 seconds when I just invoked it. I've never waited long enough to see a clone begin outputting (>10 minutes).

The Hudson mailing list is down, so I figured I would try here...


Have you tried using the Git plugin for Hudson?

Yes, but I had several problems/concerns. Would it recognize my keys correctly from ~/.ssh/? Does it just do a clone and then execute any of your commands listed below? My main problem was that it tries to delete the 'workspace' directory and Windows won't let it. It says something is accessing it, although I don't have an `lsof` to see.
I've only used SVN with Hudson, but it wasn't very hard to configure. I let Hudson manage the workspaces for each job, which allowed it to delete them as necessary, and never had any issues with that.
Perhaps the answers here will be of assistance:
Using the plugin, I get:GitAPI createdCloning the remote Git repositoryCloning repository originERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' : Could not clone git@platforms:foo.gitERROR: Cause: Error performing clone -o origin git@platforms:foo.git C:\hudson\jobs\Foo Periodic Build\workspacenullTrying next repositoryERROR: Could not clone repositoryFATAL: Could not clonehudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone
Damn, that looks pretty bad. Could it possibly be a permissions issue?
This eventually started working, but I don't know how I fixed it. I'm currently using msysgit with the git plugin and a plink wrapper for my SSH.