



Hi there

Do you know any book, blog, tutorial which explains in a detailed way the use of some open source projects? Maybe you have written such a tutorial, example of open source libraries and your final product is great for a beginner to understand it.

I'm in the learning stage of OOP and I really need to learn by examples. I'll like to find some text which explains the use of some Open source software/libraries and the good practices. Beign honestly i feel scared to use the open source libs as i wish/think at this moment. I feel like as I still write procedural code and not OOP.

Do you know such tutorials, links, blogs, stories, pages?

many thanks!

PS: I know C and PHP. I can't say that I know C++ yet, and that's why I need your help.


Many Open source projects has their own documentation pages. so if you are willing to use a library or a project you can refer those documentations. or else you want to get involve in any open source projects read these things.


Start with one of the most popular StackOverflow questions.

Then head over to the FLOSS Manuals site for manuals about all sorts of open-source tools.

Still have questions, use the StackOverflow search box liberally!


Bill Gribble