



My requirement is I need the scope of Hudson's environment variable in the subproject's build parameter for svn url.

I want to set SVN Branch name as an environment variable of Hudson, as I want it to be used by all my projects configured there.

If I access my environment variable [BUILD_BRANCH] as


the url is not getting replaced with the value.

But in the same case if I have BUILD_BRANCH as String Parameter for Parameterised Build in each subproj the url is replaced with value. But I cannot not change the branch value [build parameter value] each time in all the projects. Also the downstream projects were not able to access the build parameters [String] of the calling projects.


set BUILD_BRANCH in ManageHudson->Configure System->Global properties->Environment Variables

Pushpinder Rattan
My Hudson can access the environment variables, but only the ones that are defined globally. Any change to the environment variables usually require a reboot of the whole system (os reboot) since my Hudson runs as a service.
Peter Schuetze
I have already provided BUILD_BRANCH in Env Variables under Global properties but it doesnt work. Thatsy I raised this question.
Krishna Prasanth