const char IsPressed = 1; // 1
const char WasHeldDown = 2; // 10
const char IsFirstPress = 4; // 100
char* keystates[256];
for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
keystates[i] |= IsPressed; // turn on
if(keystates[i] & WasHeldDown)
//keystates[i] |= IsFirstPress;
keystates[i] &= ~IsFirstPress; // turn off
keystates[i] |= WasHeldDown + IsFirstPress; // Turn on
keystates[i] = 0; // Turn ALL off
This function would be a member function of a class, Class. The other member function, IsDown, will return a true if the key in question is down and false if not.
Can you see any way of further improving this function?
I will expand a bit as to what is done why. This is a modification of an bit of code that works through an array keyStates (which was a struct of three bools) setting IsPressed to false for all of the keys. then again setting Ispressed to the value of this->IsDown and then a third time looping through checking if the key had been held, if it has then its no longer the first press so set that to false. if it was not held down, then set first press to true and was held to true as well, so next time it is flagged as having been held.
Added some comments to code and corrected one line