I'm considering the option of using anonymous { } code blocks to logically distinguish "code blocks" inside the same method call, something that (theoretically) should improve readability of the code.
I'm wondering which of the following 2 code segments is better to your eyes?
Also, are the 2 code segments compile to the same bytecode?, In other words, can using { } hurt in any way the performance of the code?
Option 1: Code block without { } identation
public static String serviceMatch(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, RequestTypeEnum requestTypeEnum, ...censorsed..., RequestStatistics requestStatistics) {
Request request;
// We get the parser that fits the ...censorsed..., effectively transforming the HTTPReqeuest to application local "Request*" object
RequestParser parser = RequestParserFactory.getParser(...censorsed...);
// Populate basic parameters, the "heavy" data will be lazy loaded
request = parser.parse(servletRequest);
// Instead of polluting the parsers let's put it here... (unless we identify meaningful justifications for the other alternative of changing RequestParser.parse() interface.
request.requestType = requestTypeEnum;
// Store the request statistics object on the request, so that we have access to it from all over the code
request.requestStatistics = requestStatistics;
// Update timestamp when request was parsed
request.requestStatistics._1_end_parseRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();
* ...censorsed...
MatchResult matchResult = Matcher.findMatch(...censorsed...);
* ...censorsed...
String reply = ReplyFormatFactory.getFormatter(...censorsed...
// Update timestamp when reply finished construction
request.requestStatistics._6_end_formatReply = System.currentTimeMillis();
return reply;
Option 2: Code block with { } identation
public static String serviceMatch(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, RequestTypeEnum requestTypeEnum, ...censorsed..., RequestStatistics requestStatistics) {
Request request;
* Request parsing block
// We get the parser that fits the ...censorsed..., effectively transforming the HTTPReqeuest to application local "Request*" object
RequestParser parser = RequestParserFactory.getParser(...censorsed...);
// Populate basic parameters, the "heavy" data will be lazy loaded
request = parser.parse(servletRequest);
// Instead of polluting the parsers let's put it here... (unless we identify meaningful justifications for the other alternative of changing RequestParser.parse() interface.
request.requestType = requestTypeEnum;
// Store the request statistics object on the request, so that we have access to it from all over the code
request.requestStatistics = requestStatistics;
// Update timestamp when request was parsed
request.requestStatistics._1_end_parseRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();
* ...censorsed...
MatchResult matchResult = Matcher.findMatch(...censorsed...);
* ...censorsed...
String reply = ReplyFormatFactory.getFormatter(...censorsed...
// Update timestamp when reply finished construction
request.requestStatistics._6_end_formatReply = System.currentTimeMillis();
return reply;
Thanks for the review, Maxim.