I'm looking for the cleverest algorithm for determining the number of fortnightly occurring events in a given calendar month, within a specific series.
i.e. Given the series is 'Every 2nd Thursday from 7 October 2010' the "events" are falling on (7 Oct 2010, 21 Oct, 4 Nov, 18 Nov, 2 Dec, 16 Dec, 30 Dec, ...)
So what I am after is a function
function(seriesDefinition, month) -> integer
- seriesDefinition is some date that is a valid date in the series,
- month indicates a month and a year
such that it accurately yeilds: numberFortnightlyEventsInSeriesThatFallInCalendarMonth
NumberFortnightlyEventsInMonth('7 Oct 2010, 'Oct 2010') -> 2
NumberFortnightlyEventsInMonth('7 Oct 2010, 'Nov2010') -> 2
NumberFortnightlyEventsInMonth('7 Oct 2010, 'Dec 2010') -> 3
Note that October has 2 events, November has 2 events, but December has 3 events.
Psuedocode preferred.
I don't want to rely on lookup tables or web service calls or any other external resources other than potentially universal libraries. For example, I think we can safely assume that most programming languages will have some date manipulation functions available.