There's plenty of websites for it, but they're all Flash, not of much use for servers without graphics mode. Any tool I can use to test up/down bandwidth from Linux command line?
ab - the apache benchmark tool comes with most installs of apache, can be used to test downstream bandwidth. You could probably use curl for upstream tests
I usually just find a large file somewhere (such as a Linux distro ISO) and use ftp or wget to download it.
I don't think FTP gives you a figure until it's finished, but wget gives you a running commentary.
If you have access to a unix shell on a server somewhere, you can use SCP to move a file between your computer and the server and vice-versa. It gives you the speed of the file transfer.
Pick a large file from a fast source and grab it using wget or curl, A good file to download is Windows XP SP2, large file size and Microsoft's servers allow a very high download speed, unlike some providers who set a per download speed cap.
An easy way would be to time wget/curl then divide the filesize by the time.
eg. 654mb linux distro -- 20 mins
32.7 mb/min
558.08 kb/sec
Guys, I think you can use "iftop" package... you can download the rpm on
It looks like there is a tool available on sourceforge that uses from the terminal.
Terminal speedtest: