While related questions have been asked before I would like to see an idea about how interoperability between two source control management (SCM) systems can be done. For example we could consider any SCM out there (Mercurial, Git, SVN, CVS, Perforce, ClearCase ...).
Mainly I'm interested if ClearCase can be used along with SVN or Git/Mercurial.
How can I have a remote ClearCase maintained source tree maintained by another SCM also (beside ClearCase)?
While others can use ClearCase we would like to use the 'other' SCM and commit changes in that repository. Changes in ClearCase repository should follow shortly or periodically (and also updating from ClearCase repository should be periodically in order to make sure we're having the latest sources)
Any (others/related) examples/experiences are welcome. Thanks !
PS: This is not about dumping ClearCase (I would do that gladly), it's about working with two source controls at the same time on the same source tree.