



How does one performance tune a SQL Query?

  • What tricks/tools/concepts can be used to change the performance of a SQL Query?
  • How can the benefits be Quantified?
  • What does one need to be careful of?

What tricks/tools/concepts can be used to change the performance of a SQL Query?

  • Using Indexes? How do they work in practice?
  • Normalised vs Denormalised Data? What are the performance vs design/maintenance trade offs?
  • Pre-processed intermediate tables? Created with triggers or batch jobs?
  • Restructure the query to use Temp Tables, Sub Queries, etc?
  • Separate complex queries into multiples and UNION the results?
  • Anything else?

How can performance be Quantified?

  • Reads?
  • CPU Time?
  • "% Query Cost" when different versions run together?
  • Anything else?

What does one need to be careful of?

  • Time to generate Execution Plans? (Stored Procs vs Inline Queries)
  • Stored Procs being forced to recompile
  • Testing on small data sets (Do the queries scale linearly, or square law, etc?)
  • Results of previous runs being cached
  • Optimising "normal case", but harming "worst case"
  • What is "Parameter Sniffing"?
  • Anything else?

Note to moderators: This is a huge question, should I have split it up in to multiple questions?

Note To Responders: Because this is a huge question please reference other questions/answers/articles rather than writing lengthy explanations.

+4  A: 

I really like the book "Professional SQL Server 2005 Performance Tuning" to answer this. It's Wiley/Wrox, and no, I'm not an author, heh. But it explains a lot of the things you ask for here, plus hardware issues.

But yes, this question is way, way beyond the scope of something that can be answered in a comment box like this one.

Brent Ozar
+1 I agree a good book is a good step, I like the inside sql server 2005 performance tuning
+1  A: 

Writing sargable queries is one of the things needed, if you don't write sargable queries then the optimizer can't take advantage of the indexes. Here is one example Only In A Database Can You Get 1000% + Improvement By Changing A Few Lines Of Code this query went from over 24 hours to 36 seconds

+1  A: 

Of course you also need to know the difference between these 3 join

loop join, hash join, merge join

see here:
