




Is there a way to add a subversion repository as a git submodule in my git repository?

Something like: git-svn submodule add https://svn.foo.com/svn/proj --stdlayout svn-project

Where https://svn.foo.com/svn/proj points to a subversion repository.

I know there is git-svn which allows one to interact with a subversion repository. So I am thinking, maybe there is a way to checkout a subversion repository with git-svn and then use it as a submodule.

+27  A: 

No. Your best bet would be to set up a mirror of the svn repository in a dedicated git repository.

git svn clone -s http://subversion.example.com/ myclone
cd myclone
git remote add origin [email protected]:project.git
git push origin master

Then you can add the git repository as a submodule to the original project

cd /path/to/gitproject
git submodule add git://example.com/project.git -- svn-project
git add svn-project
git commit -m"Add submodule"

There is one conceptual difference between svn:externals and git submodule that may trip you up if you approach this from a subversion point of view. The git submodule is pegged to the revision that you give it. If "upstream" changes, then you have to update your submodule's reference.

So when we resync with the upstream subversion:

cd /path/to/myclone
git svn rebase
git push

... the git project will still use the original revision that we committed earlier. To update to the svn HEAD, you would have to use

cd /path/to/gitproject/svn-project
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..
git add svn-project
git commit -m"Update submodule"

Piston is being rewritten to support this, and the converse, plus the existing Subversion URL in a Subvresion repoistory and git+git.

Check out the piston Github repository.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have been released.

Piston will fail in your face when you need it the most though ;), so I don't recommend that. Plus there aren't any bugfixes for piston anymore.
+2  A: 

I just went through this. I'm doing something similar to rq, but slightly different. I setup one of my servers to host these git clones of the svn repos I need. In my case I only want read-only versions, and need a bare repo on the server.

On the server I run:

GIT_DIR=<projectname>.git git init
cd <projectname>.git/
GIT_DIR=. git svn init svn://example.com/trunk
GIT_DIR=. git svn fetch
git gc

This sets up my bare repo, then I have a cron script to update it:


import os, glob


gits = glob.glob('*.git')
for git in gits:
  if not os.path.isdir(git):
  os.chdir(os.path.join(GIT_HOME, git))
  if not os.path.isdir('svn/git-svn'):
    #Not a git-svn repo

  #Pull in svn updates
  os.system('git svn fetch && git gc --quiet')
  #fix-svn-refs.sh makes all the svn branches/tags pullable
  #Update the master branch
  os.system('git fetch . +svn/git-svn:master && git gc --quiet')`

This also requires fix-svn-refs.sh from http://www.shatow.net/fix-svn-refs.sh This was mostly inspired by: http://gsocblog.jsharpe.net/archives/12

I'm not sure why the git gc is needed here, but I wasn't able to do a git pull without it.

So after all this you can then use git submodule following rq's instructions.

One would think you could even do this as a commit hook.
Andres Jaan Tack

In addition to what rq said, another method would be to use the third-party "externals" project (http://nopugs.com/ext-tutorial), which better mimics how svn external references work. With externals you can track either git or svn repositories, and it looks easier to push your changes upstream to those repos. However, it requires project members to download and install the separate package.

I haven't used submodules or externals yet; however, I've spent a few hours reading about all alternatives and it looks like externals will be a better fit for my needs. There is an excellent discussion about these and other custom methods in Chapter 15 of "Version Control with Git", by Jon Loeliger (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596520120), which I strongly recommend.
