



When your company is bought out by a competitor what are the most important things for you to know about the software development environment of that competitor?

What would help you become integrated as part of the team the fastest?

What things would concern you?

+1  A: 

Do they use the same tech stack? If not, I might have some learning / job searching to do.

Kent Boogaart
+9  A: 

Happened to me once. In about this order:

  1. Am I going to be made redundant?
  2. Is this going to mothball my projects?
  3. Am I going to be working on some of their projects?
  4. What's their tech base? (MS/OS? Source Repos? PM software? Project Methodologies?)
  5. How many share options do I have?
+3  A: 

My only question would be "Whose butt do I need to kiss now?"

Anything else is basically out of your hands. Either you are going to be unneeded, in which case you'll be let go quickly, or everything will go on pretty much as it did before. Eventually, you may become more integrated with the new organization, but that's just like any other re-org.

Kristopher Johnson
Yes. More or less - yes. :-)
Optimal Solutions

What would help you become integrated as part of the team the fastest?

Assuming you wish to remain employed by the competitor: Be professional, courteous while making sure that you communicate to the purchasing company that you're on board with them and that you're experience and value is second to none.

Optimal Solutions

Did they buy us because they wanted our expertise, or did they buy us to shut us down and eliminate some competition? Since both are possibilities, but one means possible job opportunities, and the other means immediate job searches, it's important to know.
