I need to write a query that will group a large number of records by periods of time from Year to Hour.
My initial approach has been to decide the periods procedurally in C#, iterate through each and run the SQL to get the data for that period, building up the dataset as I go.
SELECT Sum(someValues)
FROM table1
WHERE deliveryDate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @ toDate
I've subsequently discovered I can group the records using Year(), Month() Day(), and datepart(week, date) and datepart(hh, date).
SELECT Sum(someValues)
FROM table1
GROUP BY Year(deliveryDate), Month(deliveryDate), Day(deliveryDate)
My concern is that using datepart in a group by will lead to worse performance than running the query multiple times for a set period of time due to not being able to use the index on the datetime field as efficiently; any thoughts as to whether this is true?