EDIT: I have added "Slug" column to address performance issues on specific record selection.
I have following columns in my table.
Id Int - Primary key (identity, clustered by default)
Slug varchar(100)
EntryDate DateTime
Most of the time, I'm ordering the select statement by EntryDate like below.
Select T.Id, T.Slug, ..., T.EntryDate
From (
Select Id, Slug, ..., EntryDate,
Row_Number() Over (Order By EntryDate Desc, Id Desc) AS RowNum
From TableName
Where ...
) As T
Where T.RowNum Between ... And ...
I'm ordering it by EntryDate and Id in case there are duplicate EntryDates.
When I'm selecting A record, I do the following.
Select Id, Slug, ..., EntryDate
From TableName
Where Slug = @slug And Year(EntryDate) = @entryYear
And Month(EntryDate) = @entryMonth
I have a unique key of Slug & EntryDate.
What would be a smart choice of keys and indexes in my situation? I'm facing performance issues probably because I'm ordering by a column that is not clustered indexed.
Should I have Id set as non-clustered primary key and EntryDate as clustered index?
I appreciate all your help. Thanks.
I haven't tried adding non-clustered index on the EntryDate. Data inserted from back-end, so performance for insert isn't a big deal for me. Also, EntryDate is not always the date when it is inserted. It can be a past date. Back-end user picks the date.