I have recently come up with a situation where I need to trim some rather large log files once they grow beyond a certain size. Everything but the last 1000 lines in each file is disposed of, the job is run every half hour by cron. My solution was to simply run through the list of files, check size and trim if necessary.
for $file (@fileList) {
if ( ((-s $file) / (1024 * 1024)) > $CSize) {
open FH, "$file" or die "Cannot open ${file}: $!\n";
$lineNo = 0;
my @tLines;
while(<FH>) {
push @tLines, $_;
shift @tLines if ++$lineNo < CLLimit;
close FH;
open FH, ">$file" or die "Cannot write to ${file}: $!\n";
print FH @tLines;
close FH;
This works in the current form but there is a lot of overhead for large log files (especially the ones with 100_000+ lines) because of the need to read in each line and shift if necessary.
Is there any way I could read in just a portion of the file, e.g. in this instance I want to be able to access only the last "CLLimit" lines. Since the script is being deployed on a system that has seen better days (think Celeron 700MHz with 64MB RAM) I am looking for a quicker alternative using Perl.