I have a big problem. My boss said to me that he wants two "magic black box": 1- something that receives a micropocessor like input and return, like output, the MIPS and/or MFLOPS. 2- something that receives a c code like input and return, like output, something that can characterize the code in term of performance (something like the necessary MIPS that a uP must have to execute the code in some time).
So the first "black box" I think could be a benchmark of EEMBC or SPEC...different uP, same benchmark that returns MIPS/MFLOPS of each uP. The first problem is OK (I hope)
But the second...the second black box is my nightmare...the only thingh that i find is to use profiling tool but I ask a particular profiling tool. Is there somebody that know a profiling tool that can have, like input, simple c code and gives me, like output, the performance characteristics of my c code (or the times that some assembly instruction is called)?
The real problem is that we must choose the correct uP for a certai c code...but we want a uP tailored for our c code...so if we know a MIPS (and architectural structure of uP, memory structure...) and what our code needed
Thanks to everyone