



I need to completely disable texturing in OSG. I tried glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) and also using an osg::stateSet, but some nodes that have textures still render their textures. Is there any way to globally turn off texturing?

A bit of background : I need to produce an object coverage map for a scene, that is, knowing what object produced each visible pixel. I'm rendering each object with a flat color and reading back the color buffer - this is why texturing breaks what I'm trying to do. Any other ideas about how to accomplish this?


Have you considered posting your question to the OSG mailing list? That would seem like a much more appropriate place to ask.

+1  A: 

Did you make sure to set the osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE bit when setting the Texture2D attribute? i.e. something like

osg::Texture2D*const tex2D = new osg::Texture2D;
ss->setAttributeAndModes( tex2D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );

where ss is a stateset on a node high enough up in your scene graph to encompass all things that might have textures.

Of course if the GL_TEXTURE_2D mode or any Texture2D attributes lower down have the osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED bit set then the OVERRIDE will be ignored but you might be in a position where you know that's not going to happen.
